9 April 2012

The breathing zone

© Bellastock photo © Felicie Botton [taken from Popupcity web page]

Bellastock mixes recycled plastics with wind power and human breath to build a temporary cityThe desertic landscape inhabited by one geodesic structure and bubble-like shelters bridges the gap between the utopian appropriation of new territories at Drop city, the pop-up installations of Raumlabor - spacebuster - and the experiments of Buckminster Fuller

© Bellastock photo © Guy Vacheret

The project which sounds light and simple also involves the complex logistics of living from scratch (mobile kitchen, sheltered dormitory spaces, waste recycling and agency of hundreds of architects and artists).

A house of Hans-Walter Müller (outside)
© Hans walter Muller

Bellastock cites the pioneer of inflatable architecture Hans walter Muller as influence : his work embraces the idea of nomadic, moving, walking architecture for a transient man; like Gilles Clement's idea of a moving, walking garden in landscape design.

© Bellastock / photo © Guy Vacheret

Bellastock's bubble city has a TAZ quality : a fleeting, poetic redefining of the social contours of space informed by working and breathing; the re-invention of the spatial environment as a place in between, a meeting point between blurred domestic and social dimensions.