In the middle of a busy roundabout in Warsaw, a UFO has landed. This temporary recycling of a disused public fountain by Exyzt borrows from the poetics of spaceships and crop circles.
If the Unexpected Fountain Occupation provokes a state of wonder, the closer encounter of the third kind will mostly offer to meet one's neighbour, a passer-by, the other.

Exyzt's streetwise visuals call to the city's attention : DÄG's minimalist, effective graphic style is easily spotted by the local community and guides passers-by to sites of interventions.
This time Salut a toi Vars'ovni (Warsaw's salute), DÄG recalls iconic anarchist hymn Salut a toi from cult band Berurier Noir.

© Exyzt
Exyzt's UFO is made of scaffolding and wooden planks which are easy to find, assemble and recycle. The space isn't hidden as it was the case with the Dalston Mill in London but an existing public footpath easy to access.
Those who gather at the fountain define its concept - a space for social interactions and visitors who influence its functioning. The UFO isn't conceived to apply beautiful architectural principles but to answer social and living practicalities, an hotel, a bar, showers, swimming pool, so the crew can temporary live on site. Sleeping, washing, cooking and networking are essentials components of Exyzt's projects, buildings are less concerned with design than with offering a freestyle experience : this time, a Temporary Autonomous Zone for the people of Warsaw.